Hye guys..
today..cik aina ngan baik hati nyer nak share something which is quite important..la kan..
to me..mmg penting..xtau lak if u all dun mind kan.
oke..back to da topic.. cik aina nak share how to disable right click on ur blog,
nampak macam x bape penting,
tp ini penting oke..for ur safety..
If someone really wants something from ur page,they can find ways around it,
but at least it's a warning ..oke!
jadi..mari la kite beramai2 copy code kat bawah ni,
ops sorry..cik aina already save html tu..cannot copy la guys.
juz click je kat url nie k...
no right click!!!
One more thing ! if u guys tak delete dulu source image tu, no point jugak tau.
pastikan sume entry yg ade picha tu..source code kena buang dlu.
ape itu souce code?
ala..mase u all dah upload picha..die akan kuar code (on blur..bla2..) dekat 1st sentence tu smpai tutup kurungan,
yg itu u all kena delete oke. jgn isau, ur picha remain da same.
kite delete ape yg x sepatutnye je.
at least dorang xdela simply click ..pastu trus ble copy ur picture ke ape kan..
kalau orang tu berniat jahat cemane? think about it!
bukan niat nak menakutkan..tp it's true..
jenayah kat alam cyber ni macam2.
renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal..hehe
P/s : if u all ade create award ke ape..jgn lak wat cemni..kesian kat org lain..hehe
today..cik aina ngan baik hati nyer nak share something which is quite important..la kan..
to me..mmg penting..xtau lak if u all dun mind kan.
oke..back to da topic.. cik aina nak share how to disable right click on ur blog,
nampak macam x bape penting,
tp ini penting oke..for ur safety..
If someone really wants something from ur page,they can find ways around it,
but at least it's a warning ..oke!
jadi..mari la kite beramai2 copy code kat bawah ni,
ops sorry..cik aina already save html tu..cannot copy la guys.
juz click je kat url nie k...
no right click!!!
One more thing ! if u guys tak delete dulu source image tu, no point jugak tau.
pastikan sume entry yg ade picha tu..source code kena buang dlu.
ape itu souce code?
ala..mase u all dah upload picha..die akan kuar code (on blur..bla2..) dekat 1st sentence tu smpai tutup kurungan,
yg itu u all kena delete oke. jgn isau, ur picha remain da same.
kite delete ape yg x sepatutnye je.
at least dorang xdela simply click ..pastu trus ble copy ur picture ke ape kan..
kalau orang tu berniat jahat cemane? think about it!
bukan niat nak menakutkan..tp it's true..
jenayah kat alam cyber ni macam2.
renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal..hehe
P/s : if u all ade create award ke ape..jgn lak wat cemni..kesian kat org lain..hehe

aina ku syg..
kalo org berniat jahat
diorg still blh la ambik pic kite
cube aina klik mana2 pic dlm blog i.
then akk kuar pic tu..
then dorg leh jgk save the pic tanpa right clik.
so now..
anis tgh cari code yg buat org xleh klik pd image. dulu anis ader buat..tp dah lupa.
a'aa kan..tp at least kte da leh tipu die sket2..hahaa.
tu la..aina mmg suke main ngan coding2 html nie..skg pn tgh mencari lg..kan.
klo dpt nnti..share tau!
tuh la aina..
org pon same gak..
ngah cari coding utk x yah sng org nk click pd gambo kite..
waa cikAina de niat utk blaja. bagus2, tp kn.. sbnr nye klu tkot psl gamba kne grab, letak la watermark besar2.. kire cm kite tanda baju/pensil/pen tym kecik2 dlu.
klu nk psl cikAnis tu plak senang je klu xnk bg org click kt gamba tu. buang la coding a href. sbb href bmksud hyperlink reference. selamat mencuba!
hihi i tak suka sgt disable right click ni.susah tau tp boleh jgk select words tu kemudian ctrl+c je. or kalau nk click ke new tab pn agak payah la +______+ sbb sbb i guna mosue yg ada roda2 kt ats tu, i click je kt roda2 tu HAHA
btw u dh jadi cikguuu lah HAHA
da buat..hahaha..tengs dear
to norrain :
b4 dis aina mmg tercari2 jugak..skg da jumpe..kire oke la..nak share ngan u all..tu je.
to dss:
mmg la bang,.cik aina kan sorang pelajar..wlaupn da abes blaja..ngehehe
btw..thanks..i da pening nie, byk la plak yg bg pendapat...ahaks
to cik ynn:
ahaaa..cuba sebut lagi skali..
pndai anak murid cikgu..hehe
to cik oren:
bagus cik oren..skg anda tidak perlu risau lagi..yay!
Boleh cuba tipsnya nih. :)
to dana:
iyaaa...cuba jgn x cuba.
thanxz aina share this to us...
to azleya:
u r welkem..=)
dpat coding baru jgn lupe share ye?
to biskutmarie :
orait..will do!
best! tapi yang window tibe2 kuar tu lagi best..haha
wut are u trying to do? nak kene lempang! :P
mcm mane nak wat?
om gak ni.. bleh practis..hehe
saye x pandai sngt men html nie
takut nanti jadi haru plak..
pape pun thanx 4 tat info..ngee~
to ain :
owh yg tu..u kena change kat "no right click",..gantikan ngan ur own words.
to aien :
to kotak hati:
try la blaja..aina dlu pn x reti gak..sonok tau main coding neh..
good info ro share...aku pun kekadang dok riso..manalah tau hati manusia ni...mcm2 ada...kalu depa sok superimposed saper nak jwb...huhu
to posh:
tu la pasal..org ni rambut je same itam..pangai lain2.
lionteen ade wat gak..lame da..
tp kan..
yg pelik tu..
bile gune lptop lionteen ni,leh plak right click..
gune lptop akak xleh plak..
np gitu yek..
lionteen gune asus..
n akak gune dell..
aina punye pun,leh je lionteen right click..
thanx 4 da tips..dh try dh..jd dah.. :)
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